
by on June 15, 2015 | Posted in Services

We recommend that you visit our clinic twice yearly for your check up and cleaning.

This schedule works well for most people, however, patients with special dental considerations may need to visit our office more often for optimal care. We will help you determine the best frequency for your unique oral health needs.


There are many important reasons for ongoing preventive dentistry. Regular cleanings keep your gums and oral tissues in optimal health, therefore reducing your chances of getting gum disease.

Visiting a dentist on a routine basis allows him to check for any dental problems that you may not see or feel. As an example, early signs of decay can be detected and treated before symptoms develop.

Our goal is to ensure that your teeth remain strong and healthy, enabling you to keep your smile beautiful for a lifetime!

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Teeth whitening is performed when you, our patient, desires a whiter, brighter smile.

Whitening helps hide discoloration and staining.


While at home whitening kits do offer a cheaper solution, getting it done professionally ensures consistent results on all teeth or just the few that may be affected by discoloration, and you can see the results instantly.

What you may not know is that some teeth cannot be whitened using the peroxide solutions used at home.

Teeth that have been veneered or restored to match the surrounding teeth will not react the same way your regular teeth will, thus producing an uneven result.

Teeth too badly damaged from root canals or internal staining will not likely react to the whitening solutions either due to the damage they have already incurred, and hypersensitive teeth will often become more sensitive after using over-the-counter solutions.

Teeth whitening completed in a dental office setting is much more effective because it is done with higher concentration of the active medical ingredient hydrogen peroxide.

Ideally, Dental office whitening should be followed up with maintenance whitenings with take home kits to maintain the longevity of your whiter smile.

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Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by acid producing bacteria that breakdown the hard surfaces of a tooth.

When dental caries causes holes in teeth, it is necessary for dentists to remove the decay and restore it to prevent further decay and maintain the functionality and esthetics of the tooth.


Fillings are one of the most common procedures carried out by dentists. These days there are several options for fillings. Traditional amalgam fillings were often made from gold or silver.

While strong and durable and still good options, they can be conspicuous especially when located in the front teeth. Composite resin fillings are an alternative to metal amalgam fillings and are coloured to match the shade of your teeth for a very natural esthetic appearance.

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Extractions are performed for a variety of reasons.

One of the main reasons for extraction is when a tooth is damaged beyond repair, either from decay or becoming cracked or broken from injury.


When the prognosis of a tooth is either poor or hopeless, extractions are a considered option.

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Wisdom teeth are the third molars at the back of our mouths which become difficult to clean and maintain.


There are many valid reasons that wisdom teeth may be extracted including infections associated with wisdom teeth, chronic pain or discomfort andpoor teeth alignment due to wisdom teeth impactions.

However the removal of wisdom teeth is not always indicated and a dental professional should be consulted as every patient’s situation is unique.

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Root Canals

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When dental caries or cavities begins damaging the layers of the tooth through the enamel and dentin, it may make its way towards the dental pulp.

The dental pulp houses the nerves and arteries of a tooth and when cavities make their way into the pulp, cold and hot sensitivity can persist and extreme pain is usually a resulting symptom.


When this happens the dentist drills down into the tooth to remove all traces of bacteria and decay and then proceeds to remove and clean the pulp chamber and root canals with fine instruments.

This is usually a 1 or 2 visit process ending with a tooth that is no longer painful, fully functional and natural looking.

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Dentures are appliances attached to a removable supporting structure made to replace missing teeth.

Not only do they help improve appearance but they provide other important benefits as well.


Dentures aid in chewing ability and pronunciation in those missing only a few teeth to those missing all their teeth.

Partial dentures also help prevent the remaining teeth from ‘drifting’ by holding them in position as their normal teeth would.

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Also known as ‘caps’ Crowns are a type of restoration in dentistry that completely caps a damaged tooth.

Unlike a filling which only fills in a hole, crowns essentially become the tooth’s new outer surface.


Often this procedure will be performed if the tooth has been extensively chipped, cracked or decayed so badly that the appearance and shape is compromised.

In cases like these the remaining tooth is prepared and a crown is created by a lab and fit over the prepared tooth structure and cemented in place to cap the tooth.

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A permanent solution to replacing one or more missing teeth.


The ‘pontic’ (dental term for false tooth) is fused to two crowns on either side of the space of the missing tooth to hold it in place.

As with dentures, bridges will prevent the surrounding teeth from drifting and help keep bacteria from collecting in the recesses.

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Implants are another solution for replacing missing teeth by permanently anchoring a prosthetic tooth to the jawbone.


A titanium rod is drilled into the bone and left to heal. Meanwhile the replacement tooth is crafted and when ready it is fit into the space and held in place by rods or screws.

The new tooth will look and feel like a regular tooth and will promote healthy gingiva and bone retention from the stimulation created by the downward pressure on the titanium rod through actions such as chewing.

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